interpretation of
for toxicology

test methods
for toxicology

for toxicology

for toxicology

IT4TOX is a spin-off in development from Leiden University in the Netherlands.

The mission of IT4TOX is to provide integrated testing solutions for mechanism-based safety assessment of chemicals and drugs. IT4TOX aims to support the chemical, agrochemical, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry sectors. We aim to provide support for internal safety evaluation as well as to regulatory submission with mechanistic evidence of adverse responses.


The vision of IT4TOX is that mechanism-based safety assessment requires systematic and transcriptional profiling. IT4TOX provides test system specific interpretation of transcriptomics data for mechanism-based safety assessment. Our unique strategy is to integrate large volumes of transcriptomics datasets in so-called TXG-MAPr user-friendly interactive bioinformatics tools that can support both biologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists and regulators for qualitative and quantitative mechanistic interpretation of transcriptomics data. The TXG-MAPr toolbox spans different in vitro test systems for liver, kidney and neuronal cell systems as well as in vivo rat liver, kidney and heart. Human liver, kidney and lung TXG-MAPr tools are in development.


The application of the IT4TOX TXG-MAPr toolbox strongly support the assessment of toxicological versus pharmacological responses, safety profiles of new chemicals, biological similarity for read across, grouping. TXG-MAPr tools can be used for safety and sustainability by design (SSbD) and as well as regulatory safety assessment. 


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