The TXG-MAPr toolbox is based on weighted gene co-regulated network analysis (WGCNA) of large transcriptomics datasets from individual test systems. The test system specific gene networks and associated datasets have been integrated in a user-friendly interactive bioinformatics tool that allows fast and effective assessment of the effect of substances on the transcriptome. For the various test systems between 200-400 different gene networks are defined that are annotated with respect gene ontology, transcription factor enrichment and AOP key event and pathology associations. Biological effects of different substances and treatment conditions can be qualified and quantified. Results can be downloaded in readable formats.  

The TXG-MAPr tools have been developed at Leiden University in the division of Cell Systems and Drug Safety of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research as part of research project funded by the European Commission Horizon2020 and IMI2 programs. The TXG-MAPr tools were applied in various case studies to demonstrate the applicability. 



Toxicogenomics TXG-MAPr interpretation software.


Human in vivo target organ platforms (in development)

  • Human liver TXG-MAPr
  • Human kidney TXG-MAPr
  • Human lung TXG-MAPr

Rat in vivo target organ platforms

  • Rat liver TXG-MAPr
  • Rat kidney TXG-MAPr
  • Rat heart TXG-MAPr

Liver test system platforms

  • Primary human hepatocyte (PHH) TXG-MAPr
  • Liver microtissue TXG-MAPr (in development)
  • iPSC-derived hepatocyte like cells (HLC) TXG-MAPr (in development)
  • HepG2 TXG-MAPr
  • HepaRG TXG-MAPr (under development)

Kidney test systems platforms

  • Human renal proximal tubular cells (RPTEC/TERT1) TXG-MAPr
  • iPSC-derived proximal tubular like cell (PTLC) TXG-MAPr

Mammary gland 


Neuronal test systems

  • Human dopaminergic LUHMES TXG-MAPr (in development)

Haematological test systems

  • Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) TXG-MAPr



IT4TOX provides the full workflow of in vitro testing, RNAsequencing and data interpretation of transcriptomics data based on the TXG-MAPr bioinformatics tool and transcriptional Point of Departure evaluation. The test systems focus on human liver primary human hepatocytes (PHH), iPSC-derived hepatocyte like cells (HLC), HepaRG, renal proximal tubular cells (RPTEC/TERT1) and iPSC-derived renal proximal tubular like cells (PTLC).  

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